Wednesday 18 February 2009

Can I have a moment of your time?

Well, yes. Mainly because I know what it's like to try and ask members of the public for information or for their opinion. There are however one or two exceptions. The main one of these called at our door this evening. We were in the middle of cooking dinner, in fact at the stage where it was time to dish up when the doorbell rang. At the door was none other than a man trying to get me to sign up for his charity. Now, I realise that this may sound terrible, but I really object to my home life being intruded on in this way, and the accompanying guilt trip. If I want to donate to charity I will seek that charity out and give them my cash.

We also seem to have a massive amount of takeaway leaflets of late. Most of these for Kebab houses. Food we most certainly don't eat what with one of us being a vegetarian.

In deck stand news, it's pretty much finished. We need to get a backing board to make it a bit more sturdy and it really needs painting as MDF isn't the most attractive of materials. I'm refusing to do it though until we sort the living room out. This has to happen soon before it sends me mad.

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