Sunday, 4 January 2009

We're all DOOMED!

It's good to see that the Government is spending it's advertising budgets for both radio and TV wisely. Over the festive period I have seen and heard numerous adverts all of a most cheery nature. We've had the ever present STIs, don't burn your house down, report domestic abuse, stop being fat and the "don't squash your baby when drunk or on drugs". Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I always thought Christmas was a time for celebration and nice thoughts. Furthermore, in times of recession shouldn't our government be trying to make us all feel a bit better about life rather than reminding us all about how crap it can be?

It's back to work tomorrow and I'm really not looking forward to it, these few days off have not been enough, I would like maybe a nice month or two off. I've decided that I should have taken a gap year before University and removed all desire to travel that have re-surfaced recently, I long to go to both India and China but feel a bit like there will never now be the right time to spend the time to go. Sure, I could go for the odd week here and there but it just doesn't feel the same somehow.

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