Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I realise I'm a few days late but I spent much of yesterday with a migraine and thus in bed. Should I now be making resolutions or is it to late? Should they be made on the 1st?? These are burning questions. I thought very seriously about making one to lose weight, but then I make that every year and never manage to keep to it.

We had a party on the 31st for a few close friends. We kept it quite small because we've had people round before and it's turned into a massive thing. Part of me just wanted to see those I really care about and see in the New Year with them. It was nice as a couple we know from North Yorkshire made the trip and we've not seen them for ages. We usually spend it at theirs so it was nice to swap for a change. Next year I think we'll go away for the weekend somewhere as it's our anniversary on the 1st as well and we haven't yet spent it any way other than in recovery from the night before!

Oh, and we've also finished the drawers and I think they look good considering we made them ourselves!

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