Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Godot arrives

There are many people who dismiss the music of Beyonce and those who produce similar kinds of music, I am not one of them. She has her place, particularly amongst teenage girls and women who have split up with their boyfriends. Take her most recent ditty, she's telling men that they should "put a ring on it", what a great testimony to what women should aspire to! But, then compare that to Survivor, where women have got to be strong etc...Basically, she is one size fits all.

Today has been the day when Godot finally arrived in our house. I bought a brand new mixer for my decks on the 14th of this month which finally arrived today after what felt like forever. The trouble is, it has a million and one features I have no idea how to use. I need a period of time where I can get to grips with it properly and at the moment we're booked up most nights.

Friday, 23 January 2009


I am an avid viewer of the Channel 4 series Come Dine With Me, and this week's programmes have been simply the best five episodes they've ever made. Set in Preston, they managed to find five massively different and need I say loony folk to take part. First of all there was a gay man who used to run a drag bar in Spain, a weird carpet seller with a chip on his shoulder about other people being in the limelight, a man who should by rights be very attractive but just wasn't, an old woman who talked in the most odd voice and with her chin in the air, and last, but by no means on this earth least, a beautician who managed to be drunk or "tired" every night. Her evening was BRILLIANT, she made the starter and then someone else had to cook her main course because she had to go to sleep. I laughed till I cried at that. Small things eh?!

I've also much enjoyed watching Heston Blumenthal and his work with Little Chef but would have liked to have seen more wacky food put on the menu. Anything has got to be better than the food I remember from my childhood. In fact, I pretty much only remember getting a drumstick lolly, so I at least expected drumstick lolly soup, or drumstick lolly on toast with a side of deep fried drumstick lolly.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Is it cold?

Now, far be it from me to question what a national news agenda should be, but surely, SURELY the fact that it's a bit cold isn't news is it? It's winter, it's always cold in winter. I could understand if we'd all had four foot of snow, but for the most part it's been a bit of frost and some low temperatures. I watched with some amusement a feature on GMTV this morning where they got the long suffering woman who presents it (I can't remember her name, but she's the one who didn't get Fiona Phillip's job - you know the one, went on the dancing programme) to dress up in suitable clothes for the winter whilst outside. Of course, there's a serious side to the cold, old people dying, heating bills etc... These all serve to remind us how miserable we should all be in these times of woe. And haven't Woolworths been having the long goodbye?! It feels like they've been shutting for around four years and oh the number of people who are mourning it's loss is tremendous, such a shame they couldn't shop there before it went into administration. I also note that the fact it's "such a shame" it's going hasn't stopped the hordes from going in there and buying the shelves off the wall. I do genuinely feel sorry for those who've lost their jobs though.

I'm feeling a little unsettled at the moment, I suspect it's the fact that it's a new year and the past 3 have been so similar they're interchangable. I feel like time is running out to do something spectacular, it's such a shame I don't know what that something is.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

We're all DOOMED!

It's good to see that the Government is spending it's advertising budgets for both radio and TV wisely. Over the festive period I have seen and heard numerous adverts all of a most cheery nature. We've had the ever present STIs, don't burn your house down, report domestic abuse, stop being fat and the "don't squash your baby when drunk or on drugs". Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I always thought Christmas was a time for celebration and nice thoughts. Furthermore, in times of recession shouldn't our government be trying to make us all feel a bit better about life rather than reminding us all about how crap it can be?

It's back to work tomorrow and I'm really not looking forward to it, these few days off have not been enough, I would like maybe a nice month or two off. I've decided that I should have taken a gap year before University and removed all desire to travel that have re-surfaced recently, I long to go to both India and China but feel a bit like there will never now be the right time to spend the time to go. Sure, I could go for the odd week here and there but it just doesn't feel the same somehow.

Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I realise I'm a few days late but I spent much of yesterday with a migraine and thus in bed. Should I now be making resolutions or is it to late? Should they be made on the 1st?? These are burning questions. I thought very seriously about making one to lose weight, but then I make that every year and never manage to keep to it.

We had a party on the 31st for a few close friends. We kept it quite small because we've had people round before and it's turned into a massive thing. Part of me just wanted to see those I really care about and see in the New Year with them. It was nice as a couple we know from North Yorkshire made the trip and we've not seen them for ages. We usually spend it at theirs so it was nice to swap for a change. Next year I think we'll go away for the weekend somewhere as it's our anniversary on the 1st as well and we haven't yet spent it any way other than in recovery from the night before!

Oh, and we've also finished the drawers and I think they look good considering we made them ourselves!