It took longer than we thought for the plaster to dry so that's put us back a few days with the decorating. When the plaster finally did dry we then had to apply a coat of wallpaper paste to the plaster to seal it. This took us a solid three hours after work because we also had to clean all the plaster off EVERYTHING. It seems my cousin has managed to plaster all of the skirting boards as well as the back of the door and I'm thinking it should have been something they cleaned off before they left. Ah well, you live and learn.
We're now on our second coat of paint (buttermilk!)but we're getting problems with how the paint is drying, it's cracking in places but we don't know why.
Anyway, this is how it's starting to shape up...

The far wall is going to be papered, which we think will be done tomorrow, fingers crossed!
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