What are you supposed to do with weekends? I've worked hard all week, I get to Friday and it feels like I do the same stuff over and over again. If we stay sober on the Friday night, go to bed at a reasonable time and then spend Saturday doing stuff I come to find myself twiddling my thumbs by the time evening arrives. Then Sunday is spent eating and messing about on the internet and the whole thing just drags and drags.
If I do the opposite and find myself going to bed at some point in the early ours of Saturday morning then Sunday appears rapidly and I get that sinking feeling you used to get as a child where you are hoping that the episode of Only Fools and Horses you're allowed to stay up and watch is a long one so you can stay up later and put off the inevitable arrival of Monday and therefore school.
It's a bit of a lose lose situation. I can't help but wonder what other folks do? Am I alone in my confusion and constant wishing I'd done the opposite? Take this weekend as an example. So far it's been spent having an early night (I've had another crap night's sleep), getting up much earlier than I'd like and spending money I don't have on expensive cosmetics because I'm far more vain than I would ever like to admit. Now, I'm debating whether to go to the pub and possibly a club, or stay in and do nothing. I don't want a hangover or the recovery process that goes with that, but I'm also incredibly bored. ARRRGH!
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008
Sleep glorious sleep
I've been on earlies all this week (well, Wednesday to today), cue much irritation and extreme tiredness. Even after all these years I still can't function as a fully fledged member of the human race when I have to get up at 4:30am. What doesn't help is that lately I've been sleeping awfully. Come three in the afternoon I am pretty much fit for nothing. This then results in me taking to the sofa to watch the afternoon movie on channel 5. These are BRILLIANT, they're always thoroughly miserable and contain at least one death. I'm also more than certain that none of the films have ever been in the cinema. Needless to say, I am addicted to them, sometimes I even manage to watch a whole one!
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Food glorious food
Today, I decided to go and spend some of my birthday money on stuff I don't need. I got in the car, navigated the diversion on the way to the retail park, got halfway there and decided to just go home instead. So, I came home, did some washing, cooked a vegetable curry, played on the computer and watched a dreadful afternoon film on channel 5. I have no idea what stopped me going shopping, other than the fact I just simply couldn't be bothered. I have weight to lose and when I try clothes on I have one of two things happen, the first is that the sizes are either too big or too small, nothing just FITS. The second is that I buy shoes because nothing fits. I realise I need to do something about this, and I realise it's my own fault that I am fat, but I just can't stop eating. I seriously need to sort it out though because I'm to be a bridesmaid in a few months time and I will NOT fit in the dress. The bride is doing fantastically well, she's managed to lose 4 stones by apparently not doing too much, so it can't be that hard can it?
I'm also feeling odd, I've been off work for a week and I really don't want to go back. I know everyone feels a bit like this from time to time, but the feeling's been getting stronger and stronger as the months go by. I feel like it's all a bit of a waste of time, as though I'm not getting anywhere in my career and I see people doing really well (facebook really makes me feel shitty) and wonder why I'm wasting my time pursuing a path I'm clearly not suited to. I can't go any higher within the company I work for and no one else seems to want to employ me. I also feel as though I'm going round and round in circles, it doesn't excite me the way it used to, and it certainly doesn't pay enough for the hours I work. To add to all that, it's all change at work and I don't feel at home there anymore. I'll stop whinging now....
I'm also feeling odd, I've been off work for a week and I really don't want to go back. I know everyone feels a bit like this from time to time, but the feeling's been getting stronger and stronger as the months go by. I feel like it's all a bit of a waste of time, as though I'm not getting anywhere in my career and I see people doing really well (facebook really makes me feel shitty) and wonder why I'm wasting my time pursuing a path I'm clearly not suited to. I can't go any higher within the company I work for and no one else seems to want to employ me. I also feel as though I'm going round and round in circles, it doesn't excite me the way it used to, and it certainly doesn't pay enough for the hours I work. To add to all that, it's all change at work and I don't feel at home there anymore. I'll stop whinging now....
Monday, 22 September 2008
I have taken some photos of the finished room so that everyone can admire our handiwork. I'm still really proud of us the more I look at it, in fact, now I've gotten over the initial shock of all the hard work I'm keen to start on the rest of the house! I don't think he's going to let me though.
Anyway, here's the finished article...

Yesterday was my 30th birthday, and actually I'm not as bothered as I thought I'd be. Granted my life is ebbing away and I've nothing to show for it except a spare room decorated to my taste, but still.... I got some lovely gifts and had some of my favourite people at my party. We had a few people I don't know turn up - they were friends of friends and made the whole thing a bit uncomfortable for a little while, but after they left it picked up again. I am paying for it in spades today though, so it's a good job I've taken tomorrow off too.
Anyway, here's the finished article...
Yesterday was my 30th birthday, and actually I'm not as bothered as I thought I'd be. Granted my life is ebbing away and I've nothing to show for it except a spare room decorated to my taste, but still.... I got some lovely gifts and had some of my favourite people at my party. We had a few people I don't know turn up - they were friends of friends and made the whole thing a bit uncomfortable for a little while, but after they left it picked up again. I am paying for it in spades today though, so it's a good job I've taken tomorrow off too.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
It's finished!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! I feel an enormous sense of achievement. Last night, at midnight, after hours of arguing and swearing we completed the room. It's now beautifully papered and painted. It's also clean and waiting to have everything put back into it. I think we've done a great job with the papering despite neither of us having done it before and the fact that we picked one with a very busy pattern. There is one part of it that isn't quite right, but you won't be able to see that because it's where the bed will live. The only bit I'm not entirely happy with is the paint finish. It seems I've rather ruined it with my painting over the crackle. It's worked in one sense in that I've covered the crackle, but it's left an impression of being painted over which is obvious.
Anyway, things I have learned about DIY....
1. There is no easy way around a job.
2. Painting is harder than it looks.
3. Papering is easier than everyone's says.
4. People who put wallpaper on top of wallpaper shouldn't be allowed to own houses.
5. Get someone else in to do the work.
Anyway, things I have learned about DIY....
1. There is no easy way around a job.
2. Painting is harder than it looks.
3. Papering is easier than everyone's says.
4. People who put wallpaper on top of wallpaper shouldn't be allowed to own houses.
5. Get someone else in to do the work.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Snap, crackle and pop
Today has been mainly spent trying to cover up the cracking that seems to have infected the paintwork like a virus, it's all over and has appeared without much reason. A quick "google" reveals we aren't alone in this problem but unfortunately no one gives much in the way of ideas to rid ourselves of it. I've gone over it with MORE paint and a brush but I fear this is just going to result in patches that look weird when it's completely dry, it's already looking like that's exactly what I've tried to do. We've also had the gloss out on the skirting boards so now the house absolutely stinks!
All being well we do the papering tomorrow. I think that we're both a bit nervous about this as we really could end up messing the whole thing up terribly and neither of us really knows what we're doing, so it's gping to be a case of the blind leading the blind. Wish us luck!
All being well we do the papering tomorrow. I think that we're both a bit nervous about this as we really could end up messing the whole thing up terribly and neither of us really knows what we're doing, so it's gping to be a case of the blind leading the blind. Wish us luck!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Watching paint dry
It took longer than we thought for the plaster to dry so that's put us back a few days with the decorating. When the plaster finally did dry we then had to apply a coat of wallpaper paste to the plaster to seal it. This took us a solid three hours after work because we also had to clean all the plaster off EVERYTHING. It seems my cousin has managed to plaster all of the skirting boards as well as the back of the door and I'm thinking it should have been something they cleaned off before they left. Ah well, you live and learn.
We're now on our second coat of paint (buttermilk!)but we're getting problems with how the paint is drying, it's cracking in places but we don't know why.
Anyway, this is how it's starting to shape up...

The far wall is going to be papered, which we think will be done tomorrow, fingers crossed!
We're now on our second coat of paint (buttermilk!)but we're getting problems with how the paint is drying, it's cracking in places but we don't know why.
Anyway, this is how it's starting to shape up...
The far wall is going to be papered, which we think will be done tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Monday, 8 September 2008
Hole in'th'wall
The hole in the wall is fixed, in fact, we now have three perfectly plastered walls. The trouble is they aren't drying as quickly as I would have liked, especially as I've now chosen my wallpaper and paint colours for the room. We've chosen a paper from a collection called 1829 which is supposed to be period type gubbins. Him indoors didn't think much of it in the shop, but after we'd brought a sample home and held it against the wall he changed his mind. It's kind of magnolia with dusky pink flowers (it sounds much much worse than it is, I promise!).
I just want to get going with it now though, I need it to be finished by my 30th in a few weeks because we've got people coming to stay and I doubt they'll all fit on the settee. Speaking of my 30th, I'm being badgered into doing something when all I actually want to do is pretend it's not happening. I realise that this is a very ridiculous attitude to take as it is aferall just a number, but I just feel a bit as though my life is ebbing away and I have nothing to show for it. I suppose what didn't help was finding out that someone was being paid TWO THOUSAND POUNDS more than me for doing a lesser job. I guess that's what you get for discussing salaries.
I just want to get going with it now though, I need it to be finished by my 30th in a few weeks because we've got people coming to stay and I doubt they'll all fit on the settee. Speaking of my 30th, I'm being badgered into doing something when all I actually want to do is pretend it's not happening. I realise that this is a very ridiculous attitude to take as it is aferall just a number, but I just feel a bit as though my life is ebbing away and I have nothing to show for it. I suppose what didn't help was finding out that someone was being paid TWO THOUSAND POUNDS more than me for doing a lesser job. I guess that's what you get for discussing salaries.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Can he fix it?
Well, yes he can, apparently. This weekend, my cousin is coming to fix the hole in the wall. I'm hoping it's going to be relatively straight forward just because I desperately want the room to be back to normal by my birthday. In my head I've already starting thinking about colour schemes and cushions, but it could all be a bit premature if it turns out to be a major job.
In what's proved to be a fairly brief look at the outside wall, there appears to be a brick problem near to the drain, which corresponds directly to the hole inside, which means it could well be a sign of something more serious. But, the wallpaper wasn't at all damp in the room, and surely that would happen wouldn't it? If you had major water leaks? I'm considering re-training to be a builder, then at least I'd be able to fix these things myself!!!
In what's proved to be a fairly brief look at the outside wall, there appears to be a brick problem near to the drain, which corresponds directly to the hole inside, which means it could well be a sign of something more serious. But, the wallpaper wasn't at all damp in the room, and surely that would happen wouldn't it? If you had major water leaks? I'm considering re-training to be a builder, then at least I'd be able to fix these things myself!!!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Here we go again
I stopped blogging properly last year after the death of our beautiful cat Marwood. This may sound like a weird reason, but I was so heartbroken and the whole thing was dedicated to him and about him that I just couldn't re-visit it. I realise some folk may think I'm crazy, but it's the only reason I have. So, why am I starting again? Well, we bought a house and we're doing it up and I have to have somewhere to vent my frustrations.
Where to begin... Nine months ago we moved into the house which on first viewing looked as though it didn't need a thing doing to it, how wrong we were! Firstly, once all their furniture was out and before ours was in, it came to light that the two year old child who previously lived here had drawn some wonderful scribbles just at ankle height. They'd also decorated to sell and I think someone may have watched one too many episodes of Changing Rooms as the living room and kitchen both have "feature walls" in unsuitable colours. The one in the kitchen is monstrous, not least because the lady who started it decided she wasn't going to finish it, and cheerily told me over the phone that she had "left the paint pots for you to finish it". Secondly, they painted the living room on top of lining paper that wasn't properly stuck to the wall. And in the part where it didn't meet the wall, decided that painting the crack was a better idea than sticking it down.
So, because we aren't master decorators we decided to start the re-decoration in the spare room as it's small enough not to cost a fortune if someone else needs to be called in. After getting to the bottom of about 17 layers of paper (including woochip - cue sharp intakes of breath from everyone who has heard this), we dated the bottom layer (lime green box shaped flowers) to 1983 as they've written it on the wall. Not only that, we've found a nice hole in the wall....
Where to begin... Nine months ago we moved into the house which on first viewing looked as though it didn't need a thing doing to it, how wrong we were! Firstly, once all their furniture was out and before ours was in, it came to light that the two year old child who previously lived here had drawn some wonderful scribbles just at ankle height. They'd also decorated to sell and I think someone may have watched one too many episodes of Changing Rooms as the living room and kitchen both have "feature walls" in unsuitable colours. The one in the kitchen is monstrous, not least because the lady who started it decided she wasn't going to finish it, and cheerily told me over the phone that she had "left the paint pots for you to finish it". Secondly, they painted the living room on top of lining paper that wasn't properly stuck to the wall. And in the part where it didn't meet the wall, decided that painting the crack was a better idea than sticking it down.
So, because we aren't master decorators we decided to start the re-decoration in the spare room as it's small enough not to cost a fortune if someone else needs to be called in. After getting to the bottom of about 17 layers of paper (including woochip - cue sharp intakes of breath from everyone who has heard this), we dated the bottom layer (lime green box shaped flowers) to 1983 as they've written it on the wall. Not only that, we've found a nice hole in the wall....
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